A variety of assistive technology resources are listed here. While the list is certainly not exhaustive, we have provided a range of resources to get you started. Each link listed here will take you to other links in that area.
Advocacy and Funding
An online parent community that provides multiple resources including information about AT. Understood.org’s goal is to help parents whose children, ages 3–20, are struggling with learning and attention issues to empower them to make effective choices that propel their children from simply coping to truly thriving. Search for assistive technology using the search tool.
Assessment of AT Needs
Koester Performance Research
The goal of Koester Performance Research (KPR) is to enhance computer accessibility, particularly for people who are not well-served by the typical keyboard and mouse. They offer several free tools to take the guesswork out of identifying the best way for an individual to access the computer.
Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative
The Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative website provides free copies of the updated WATI AT Assessment forms (2017) that can be downloaded as well as a wealth of information on assistive technology and assistive technology assessments including a pdf copy of Assessing Students’ Need for Assistive Technology.
AT Services
Florida Department of Education’s AT Competencies
Florida Assistive Technology Assessment Competencies and Resources is a framework for promoting best practices in assessing the AT needs of students. The nine competencies systematically walk through the steps from developing a district plan and procedure for assessment, through considering AT, to collaborating as a team for implementation.
Minnesota Department of Education Assistive Technology Program
https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/sped/tech/ m
This URL will lead you to the Minnesota Assistive Technology Manual in a pdf format. It includes many useful tools including directions for AT consideration, guidelines for writing AT in the IEP and numerous forms and checklists.
Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services
The Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology ( QIAT ) services website is a wealth of information. Two of the most important items are the Quality Indicators themselves and the QIAT Self Evaluations Matrix. These two tools provide an excellent picture of what assistive technology services should be regardless of size, location, or wealth of a school district. The self evaluation matrix is a valuable tool for getting a sense of what a specific district may need to focus on to improve their services.
National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center
The AT3 website offers a variety of information about the Tech Act as well as links to many helpful sources of information about AT tools.
Augmentative Communication
AAC Intervention
This website operated by Caroline Musselwhite is a great place to get tips on AAC. You can find general information as well as specific suggestions that can apply to specific students.
Basic Information about AT
AT Internet Modules by OCALI
The Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) has created a comprehensive set of 50 modules about assistive technology that include information on both AT tools and AT services.
AT Toolbox
The AT Toolbox focuses on AT tools for individuals with learning challenges. It lists AT tools for learning differences categorized by various learning tasks and links to each vendor’s website. It also indicates available platforms for each tool (e.g., Windows, Mac, Chrome, iOS, Android, online), briefly describes noteworthy features, and provides links to selected additional info and training resources.
Closing the Gap Resource Directory
A good place to start when learning about assistive technology is the Closing the Gap Resource Directory. It includes descriptions of thousands of products including both hardware and software. It is regularly updated and has a search feature that can be useful when searching for specific types of products.
Closing the Gap Website
The Closing the Gap website offers excellent forums on a variety of topics related to assistive technology. It is also has a searchable data base, but there is an annual fee to access it. Information about subscribing to the Closing the Gap newsletter is on the website.
Assistive Technology on Pinterest
There are several pages on Pinterest devoted to AT. This one is a great place to begin exploring.
Assistive Technology on You Tube
There are quite a few very informative and useful videos about AT on You Tube. Two that can be especially useful for introducing educators and families to AT have been created by the Hyde Park Day School in Chicago. The first is about AT for students who struggle with reading and the second is about AT for students who struggle with writing.
Consideration of AT Needs
Center for Parent Education and Resources
This checklist is designed to help IEP teams consider the needs of students with disabilities for assistive technology. The site has numerous resources for parents.
Georgia Department of Education
The Georgia Department of Education has many excellent resources on its website including an AT Resource Guide that provides a continuum of solutions from standard tools to AT. It also includes potential modifications and accommodations for a variety of tasks.
Documenting AT in the IEP
Documenting services in the IEP: Beyond Goals and Objectives.
This article on Documenting Services in the IEP focuses on how to clearly illustrate services in the IEP document including the documentation of related services. It includes a comprehensive example that continues throughout the article.
Writing AT in the IEP
The Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) has created many useful resources about Assistive Technology. Chapter 6 of their resource guide contains examples of how AT may be written in the IEP.
Electronic Books and Beginning Reading
A library of books for people with qualifying print disabilities. Bookshare includes over 600,000 accessible books that can be downloaded in many formats to access the text. The Bookshare services are free for U.S. students.
Learning Ally
Learning ally is a subscriron service to promote personal achievement when access and reading are barriers to learning by advancing the use of accessible and effective educational solutions
Project Guetenberg
Project Gutenberg offers over 57,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which copyright has expired.
This site offers free interactive stories with a variety of activities for the emergent reader. It is phonics based and requires the child to be able to click and drag.
Tarheel Reader
This site has a collection of free, easy-to-read, accessible books on a wide range of topics. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces (e.g. switches, touch screen, etc.). They can be downloaded as slide shows in Powerpoint, Impress, or Flash formats.
The TumbleBook Library is a curated electronic database of children’s e-books, available by subscription to elementary schools and public libraries around the world.
Learning Disabilities and AT
LD Online
There are many things on this website. Search the site for Technology.
Procedures and Operating Guidelines for AT
Oregon Assistive Technology Model Operating Guidelines
This document is designed to be used as a template by education agencies wishing to develop assistive technology programs that provide consistent, effective and legal assistive technology services. Section one includes guidance for teams that can be included in district operations or policies manuals. Section two includes sample forms which may be used to implement the model.
Georgia Project for Assistive Technology Policies and Procedures
Georgia Project for Assistive Technology (GPAT) has developed guidelines for local school system assistive technology teams. The purpose of this manual is to assist teachers, related service providers, and administrators in providing assistive technology devices and services to students with disabilities as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The manual contains operating guidelines that address all components of the assistive technology service delivery process. It also contains procedures that IEP teams will use when providing assistive technology services. Resources that will be beneficial to IEP teams in developing and implementing assistive technology intervention programs are also included.
North Dakota Guidelines for the Provision of Assistive Technologyto Students with Disabilities under IDEA Part B
Search for assistive technology to download the Guidelines for the Provision of Assistive Technology in Educational Settings is intended to serve as a resource for IEP and Section 504 teams looking to overcome barriers to learning for all students with disabilities while developing greater functional independence through individually determined solutions.
Special Education Laws about AT
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act maintained by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs
This site includes the text of the law as well as a variety of links to other resources.
Myths and Facts Surrounding-Assistive Technology Devices
Issued on 01-22-2024, theOSEP Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) introduces two initiatives from the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs. Links to Myths and Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology Devices and Services, as well as the U.S Department of Education 2024 National Education Technology Plan (NETP), emphasize and clarify the importance of AT in the educational programs of students with disabilities. Both documents can be found in English and Spanish at this link.
Wrights Law
Wrightslaw is a good source for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.
Training Resources About AT
Quick Guides from HIAT (High Incidence Accessible Technology)
The HIAT section of Montgomery Public School’s website offers Quick Guides and other resources to learn to operate a variety of apps, software and hardware.
Transition and AT
Education Tech Points
The Education Tech Points website includes a free manual to download. Hey! Can I Try That? is designed to be used with teens and preteens to help them think about tasks that are difficult and how AT could help them. Its purpose is to promote self determination.
QIAT Post Secondary (QIAT PS)
QIAT-PS is a set of quality indicators in five content areas for Assistive Technology (AT) in Post-Secondary education. Check out the Campus Self-Evaluation Matrix tool which provides a way to measure AT service delivery and is an excellent method for institutional self-study to improve AT services at your school.
Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative
The transition packets contain a series of forms to guide the assembly of information necessary to support an AT user as he or she transitions to adult services. It includes assessment tools and planning sheets.