AT in the Workplace for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities

Is AT being used in the workplace by individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID)?

Not as much as it could be. Several studies show that AT can be very effective in the workplace. Morash-Macneil, Johnson, & Ryan (2017) found AT was successful for increasing work performance of individuals with ID in respect to productivity, navigation, time management, and task completion. Cullen, Alber-Morgen, & Sheila (2015) found that prompting with AT is more effective than low tech methods and Sauer, Parks, & Heyn (2010) found that AT results in increases in accuracy, independence, and generalization. Technology in these studies included hand held computers, iPads, iPods, smart phones, and vibrating watches

Similarly, Sauer et al. (2010) indicated that following the implementation of AT, there was an increase in accuracy, independence, and generalization of skills in the workplace.

In other research, Bryant, Seok, Ok, & Bryant (2012) surveyed care givers and found that the majority of clients were not using AT devices to support their needs in identified areas of living (home living, community living, life-long learning, employment, health & safety, social, protection & advocacy). In four of the seven areas, at least 60% of clients were not using AT devices as part of their support system.