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Resources for Documentation and Accountability
AT Services Spreadsheet -by Hours:An Excel which categorizes the services provided for an individual student by the number of hours of support the AT Team provides. This worksheet helps the team to see where they are spending their time and the amount of time they are spending in various school environments.
AT Services Spreadsheet – by Type of Service: An Excel file which categorizes the services provided for an individual student by the types of services the AT Team provides. This worksheet helps the team to see how they are spending their time and the types of supports that classroom teams need to support students’ use of AT.
Implementation Plan: An implementation plan is designed to document effective AT strategies that should be implemented in the classroom. Once decisions following a trial period take place and/or there is clear evidence of AT effectiveness, an implementation plan should be developed and placed in the student’s confidential folder which teachers can access from year to year. Implementation plans document the type of AT strategies that have been deemed effective, the recommended location and frequency of use, and the student’s response to the AT strategies. It also documents the type of training and resources that are needed to support the ongoing use of the AT, and who can provide this support. It also calls attention to potential transition issues: to and from home and school, across classrooms and when transitioning to a new school building. An AT implementation review date can also be specified.
Exit Survey Form: Collecting information on the effectiveness of AT tools and AT team support can be obtained through the use of a short end-of-year survey that can be completed in less than 5 minutes. The survey is sent to the contact person associated with each request for AT support during the school year. The first question addresses perceptions about student outcomes, while the second question addresses staff perceptions about the benefit of AT services. The third question asks what more the AT team could have done to support the implementation of AT. To keep the survey brief, logic branching is used to expand responses. This exit survey form can automatically generate charts that can be included in an end-of-year report for questions the first two questions. (
End of Year Report Contents: Data collection can be built into ongoing, routine AT team procedures and this data, in turn, can be included in an end-of-year report with very little expenditure of time. The report not only documents the work of AT service providers, but also serves as a history of the work of the team. AT teams, no matter how small, must demonstrate accountability. In addition to outcome data, the report can include information on professional development, resource and website development, and outreach efforts. It should also include goals and objectives for the following year and a review of current goals and objectives. The end-of-the-year report serves as a planning tool and an accountability report. It provides a process for using data to help identify areas for improvement. This document is a list of what can be included in an end of year report.
HIAT-Trial Period Plan Montgomery County Maryland’s HIAT Program developed a trial period plan that not only identifies the ways that AT will be tried, but also collects student-centered data about the results of the trial. The gray section of the form is completed by classroom staff at the end of the trial period to indicate the results and future plans for AT.