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Resources for Professional Learning

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AT Self Assessment with Priorities:  The AT Self Assesment with Training Priorities was developed to assess the Assistive Technology  learning needs of educators.  Educators are asked to assess their own skills and then identify their view of the importance for them of a variety of AT related topics.

AT Trainers Handbook A publication of the NATE Network, this manual examines the actions that AT Teams can take to prepare for live professional learning events and addresses remote AT training as well.

Characteristics of Adult Learners:  An excerpt from and article that summarizes the characteristics of adult learners.  This list can be very helpful in designing professional learning opportunities that match the needs of the target audience. Excerpted from  Cercone, K. (2008). Characteristics of adult learners with implications for online learning design, AACE Journal, 16(2), 137-159

Professional Learning Formats This worksheet provides a way for AT teams to analyze the extent to which professional development topics are available in multiple formats in order to build on-demand resources for adult learners.

Staff Development Plan Feature Match: A planning form designed to help teams match professional learning topics to the intended audience by determining the format that will best meet the needs of classroom, program level and administrative audiences.

Training Plan Template:  The Training Plan template outlines the timeline, topics and resources for professional learning.  It is designed to allow multiple trainers to carry out professional workshops with increased fidelity.

Online Videos and Tutorials This is a resource list for online videos and tutorials about Assistive Technology  that could be used during live professional learning opportunities or linked to an AT Team’s website for just-in-time-learning.